If you’re reading about marketing on the internet, the word Branding is sure to pop up. Branding can mean a foray of things – but in a nutshell, it’s how your business is identified to your customers. And it’s really about getting to the heart of your business. So, wouldn’t the heart of your business be your people?

Forget about B2B, B2C and G&T (well maybe let’s not forget about gin and tonics), business has to be about forging deep connections on a human level. Behind every company, business – whether it’s a cast of hundreds or a one person show, we cannot overlook that there are living, breathing humans that makes up the business.

One of the most important human needs is connection. It’s an integral core value and one that cannot be overlooked, especially in business.


All Brands, big or small, need the Human Factor.
All Brands, big or small, need the Human Factor.

So, the question is, do you have the H Factor? That human element to your Branding? When a potential client, whether it be an individual, another business or a government body, is looking to do business with you, are they looking at just what the business can deliver or are they really looking to see who they will be doing the business with?

If you are missing the human factor to your Branding, chances are, you are missing something big altogether.

As a photographer of people, I’m always looking to help businesses, of any size, bring out their human element. Who are you and who is the person or people behind your Brand Name?

The human element can be a huge differentiator for businesses, especially in a marketplace that is so crowded, in particular, in the digital space. The landscape has changed so much, however the one thing that hasn’t changed is we still have people running a business and in the digital space, businesses can oversee this one important element in their marketing and Branding.

Bring back the human side of your business – authenticity, connection and simplicity.


Clients want to feel emotionally connected to your brand.
Clients want to feel emotionally connected to your brand.



And it’s doesn’t have to be hard – a simple solution can be having photos of your people on your website, whether from the CEO to Senior Management to the Front line. No matter what size your business is, you need to have a face to the brand.

And I don’t mean stock photos! I’m talking about real, true and authentic photos of the people who make the decisions, the people who talk to customers and the people who run the operations. People..just people!

If you’ve been thinking, yep I need the human element in my business branding, then give me a buzz. Let’s talk human to human.